Comedian Erin Conroy: WebMD Is The Worst

Comedian Erin Conroy

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

WebMD Is The Worst

You go on there to look up a something to settle a bet, but then you get distracted: What is that? Are those the symptoms of cholera? Because I have some of those....

2 hours later I'm convinced I'm suffering from fibromyalgia and hysterical pregnancy, and I've decided to finally finalize my will, just in case the pertussis gets the best of me.

Anyway - attention DC fans of sketch and stand-up comedy and my face: Tickets to the Poonanza 6 on December 13th are now on sale at! Or you can just click this link.

There will be an 8:00pm and a 10:30pm show that night, so you have a wealth of choices. (Or just the 2 choices) All 5 previous Poonanzas have sold out - so don't wait to get your tickets. Or do wait - I'm not trying to tell you what to do. I just think you should comb your hair so your bangs aren't hanging in the way of your pretty face.


At 7:40 PM, Blogger Fox said... has been updated since, but I once tried to search for "blood everywhere" ...

Every result was about me being in my third trimester.



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