Comedian Erin Conroy: I Feel Like I've Been Mauled By Jesus

Comedian Erin Conroy

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I Feel Like I've Been Mauled By Jesus

So did I tell you I went to Boston? Because I totally did. And it was awesome.

I've always loved Boston, but haven't been back to visit in over 6 years. Disgraceful! So my friend Chris and I took the Chinatown bus up and back a couple weekends ago, and it turns out I still love Boston. If anything that love has matured into something substantial and deep, and I now truly appreciate everything Boston is and was, and am finally ready to introduce my parents to the city.

The weekend was also an opportunity to hang out with friends I haven't seen in a while. Which means I got drunk. Although I think with me, lots of things are code for me having gotten drunk. For example:

"There was a new Sci-Fi Channel movie on Wednesday night" = I got drunk.

"I woke up on Sunday morning and it was raining" = I got drunk.
"So, you think the Berenstein Bears just found those clothes somewhere in the forest, or do you think they killed a whole family who was camping and then stole their clothes?" = I'm drunk right now.

But anyhoo - I had a blast. I've done the sights and sounds of Boston a few times before, so I was only interested in hanging out with my friends. I spent some quality time in Southie with Victor and Townley, and decided that when I move to Boston I will (obviously) be living in that neighborhood. And thanks to Matty for driving me around Southie so I could take "Good Will Hunting"-related pictures that were totally for my sister and not for me. Emily - do you even read this blog? If you do, it was awesome to see you too!!!

So it's October now. Halloween is on it's way, and I've been remembering what a huge holiday it used to be when I was a kid. I would think about a costume for months in advance, only to end up being a gypsy or a hippie every year because there was no shortage of vests or long flowery skirts in my Mom's closet, and why should we buy a costume when she could put a perfectly good one together herself, thank you very much. And there were always great Halloween specials on TV for a couple weeks leading up to the night. I mean, "The Worst Witch" and "The Halloween That Almost Wasn't" are probably two of the worst-therefore-best hokey holiday specials ever made. Horrible special effects, retarculous acting, and in the case of the former - Tim Curry starring in a music video.

It's a shame these masterpieces aren't shown on TV for Halloween anymore. Kids today are really missing out. In fact - I feel worse for myself, because I would like to watch both of these movies right now. And also that Raggedy Ann and Andy Halloween special....I think there was a pumpkin that cried seeds in that one. And there was another one about witches that was really crudely animated. eBay...


At 1:27 PM, Blogger Fox said...

Thanks for the call. Jerkass.

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Matt O'Malley said...

If we get hitched, then you're going to have to live in Jamaica Plain. Or West Roxbury. Or Roslindale.

Great seeing you, now go and read my blog.


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