-Crowded House has finally announced their NYC tour dates!! I am ecstatic!!! Two nights at the Beacon Theatre, and I'm gonna go to both. Just see if I don't! I'm gonna be that girl in the audience who's a little too into the music. Singing along with every song, shooting dirty looks at anyone who tries to discuss anything other than the band, and inevitably breaking into heaving sobs about halfway through their set. It's going to be magical.
They have just recently announced a whole mess of US tour dates, so if you wanna check out some fantastic music, check out their myspace page, and find out where you can see them live! (I'm referring to the Boston show, Victor and Emily and Josh and Matt. You know you want it)
-My second favorite band of all time is back in a big way. Check it.
-My downstairs neighbor Daniel has decided he's on his own reality show. His challenge is to completely renovate the mess that is the backyard of our house. His time frame? It needs to be done in time for a BBQ on Sunday. His audience? Any one of us that happens to pass by a window to see him cursing at the ground. It has proven extremely entertaining for the past week, and I really am rooting for Daniel to succeed. Not because I support him or anything, but because I enjoy BBQs. Especially hot dogs.
-SPECIFIC NOTE FOR ONE PERSON: Hey, dmmartin, person who left the comment on my last blog entry: Dave? Is that you?!? I tried looking you up a couple times when I moved here, but I couldn't find you! Let's get together and drink beer! My number's the same as it was in DC.
-FOLLOW-UP NOTE: Hey, dmmartin, if you're not my friend Dave from DC; sorry. I was just at StandUp NY a few weeks ago, but I will do my damndest to get back up there. Because even though I don't know you....I love you. And I always have.
-Shhhhhh....Sabres still have one game left to make it right.
OMG! I'm so there with you! Guess who is performing with them?? PETE YORN!! That's right. I love him. I'm going with you! Plus I'll get to wear my "I'm Yorns" tank again. YAY! Let me know about tickets.
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